Thrip Control
Thrip Control
A common pest found in greenhouses and indoor/ outdoor gardens, Thrips damage plants by sucking their juices and scraping at fruits, flowers and leaves. Plant leaves may turn pale, splotchy, and silvery, then die. Injured plants are twisted, discolored and scarred.
Think Preventativeย
Adult and larval stages of Thrips feed on foliage and flowers causing extensive damage in a short time period under the right conditions. Damage typically shows up as stippling, silvering of the leaves, or discolored patches on the leaf surfaces, but can also be identified by the unique twisting they cause in new growth. Proactive control is important to limit risk of Thrips vectoring disease through feeding.
So what works best forย Thrip control?...
Amblyseius Cucumeris: works well for immature Thrips. A wide range of Thrip species. Western Flower Thrips, Chilli Thrips. Also preservative/low infestations Broad Mites, Cyclamen and Two-Spotted Spider Mites.
Orius insiduous AKA minute pirate bug - Attacks all mobile stages of Thrips. Best known for their ability to attack and control adult Thrips as well as immature Thrips.
Hypoaspis Miles: Attacks Thrip Eggs, Fungus Gnat Larvae, Sciarid Flies, Shore Flies, Root Aphids, Springtails, Root Mealybugs and Poultry Mites.
Ladybugs:ย Thrips,ย Aphids, Mealybugs, Mites, Whiteflies, etc.
Lacewing Larvae:ย Thrips, Aphids,ย Mealybugs, Spider Mites, Whiteflies, and other soft bodied insects.