Beneficial Nematodes HB - Grub & Soil Pest Exterminator


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$14.04 $15.60
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Beneficial Nematodes are safe for humans, pets, and the environment! These tiny worms parasitize insect larvae by releasing bacteria from their digestive tract while feeding on the pest. Infected pests darken in color and usually die within 7-10 days. The nematodes then emerge from the dying host to search for more pests. While Beneficial Nematodes primarily target pests in their larval stage, they have also been observed to attack pests at all stages of their life cycle.


Beneficial Nematodes Target Pest Chart


Crop Application Chart


Beneficial Nematodes are effective in a wide range of environments, including gardens, greenhouses, lawns, orchards, and more. They can be used both indoors and outdoors to target developing pests.


Seasonal application recommended.


5M Nematodes
Treats up to 2,000 sq. ft.

15M Nematodes
Treats up to 4,000 sq. ft.

30M Nematodes
Treats up to 10,000 sq. ft.

50M Nematodes
Treats up to 1/2 - 1 Acre

250M Nematodes
Treats up to 2.5 Acres

500M Nematodes
Treats up to 5 Acres

It's important to note that these release rates serve as general guidelines and may vary based on the specific pest species, the crop or plant being treated, and level of infestation. Proper monitoring of the infestation and the subsequent effectiveness of the released beneficial insect population is crucial for determining the success of the biological control strategy.



Seasonal application recommended.

Watering Can, Pump Sprayer, or Hose-End Sprayer

Since nematodes are not a chemical, their effectiveness is not affected by the volume of water used to prepare the release solution. You can adjust the concentration of the solution depending on the severity of the pest infestation and the size of the area you need to treat.

Watering Can and Pump Sprayers
Mix nematodes with 1-5 gallons of water (59-69Β°F) to cover the desired area.

Release nematodes onto desired area. Don't be concerned if every inch isn't covered as these organisms will move throughout the soil.

Water treated area immediately after application. Keep soil moist for two weeks. Avoid run-off.

Remove filter if applicable. Walk slowly and evenly across the target area, making sure to cover the entire surface.

  1. Add the appropriate amount of nematodes and water to reservoir.
  2. Attach the hose-end sprayer to the water source and turn on the water.
  3. Twist knob at the top of the hose-end sprayer to ON.
  4. Apply nematode mix to desired area.



50 million nematodes
  1. Divide nematodes into thirds.
  2. Fill water reservoir to 15 gallon mark.
  3. Mix 1/3 of nematodes in water reservoir and spray until empty to release.
  4. Repeat three times or until entirety of nematode packaging is used.
25 million nematodes
  1. Divide nematodes into half.
  2. Fill water reservoir to 15 gallon mark.
  3. Mix 1/2 of nematodes in water reservoir and spray until empty to release.
  4. Repeat twice or until entirety of nematode packaging is used.
10 million nematodes
  1. Dump all nematodes into reservoir.
  2. Fill water to 10 gallon mark.
  3. Apply nematode mix to desired area.
5 million nematodes
  1. Dump all nematodes into reservoir.
  2. Fill water to 5 gallon mark.
  3. Apply nematode mix to desired area.
To learn more about our hose-end sprayer, click here.



To get the most out of your Beneficial Nematode application, be sure to follow these tips:

Release indoors at any time, or outdoors in the morning, evening, or on a cloudy day. To ensure survival, avoid exposing to direct sunlight.

Water soil before application. Soil surface should be kept moist for two weeks after application. Soil temperature of 44Β°-83Β°F is optimal. If soil temperature is higher than 86Β°F, irrigate with at least 0.1 inch of water before and after application.

Nematodes are vulnerable to ultraviolet light and various chemical pesticides. Best if not mixed with pesticides or fertilizers.



Do not freeze. Store in a dark space at 36-45Β°F for no more than 30 days. Once activated, release within 1 hour.