Dalotia (Atheta) coriaria - Rove Beetle


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Feeds on both the larvae and adults of Fungus Gnats, Shore Flies, Thrips, Springtails, Root Aphids, and other small insects. Rove Beetle larvae can consume 10-20 pests per day.


Dalotia coriaria, commonly known as Rove Beetle, have a slender and elongated body shape, with a dark brown to black coloration. They possess short wing covers (elytra) that leave a significant portion of their abdomen exposed. The size of Dalotia coriaria typically ranges from 2 to 4 mm (0.08 to 0.16 inches), making them relatively small but highly agile predators.

One distinctive feature of Dalotia coriaria is its ability to move swiftly and navigate through different soil and growing media layers, allowing them to access and prey upon pests residing in various habitats. They are also capable of climbing plant stems and foliage in search of prey. Their ability to reproduce quickly and adapt to different conditions makes them valuable allies in natural pest control programs.


Temperature: 68°-86°F, avoid temperatures below 50°F
Humidity: 60%+

LIGHT INFESTATION: 1-5 beetles per 10 sq. ft.
HEAVY INFESTATION: 5-10 beetles per 10 sq. ft.

It's important to note that these release rates serve as general guidelines and may vary based on the specific pest species, the crop or plant being treated, and level of infestation. Proper monitoring of the infestation and the subsequent effectiveness of the released beneficial insect population is crucial for determining the success of the biological control strategy.


For best results, release within 24 hours of receipt. If storage is necessary,
store at 50°F for no longer than 1 week.


To achieve a comprehensive approach in controlling Fungus Gnats, Root Aphids, and other soft-bodied pests, it is recommended to combine the use of the Rove Beetle with other beneficial predators such as Hypoaspis miles and Beneficial Nematodes.

Adult beetles will not go into diapause (hibernation) in controlled environments such as greenhouses and indoor grows.


At 70°F, the lifecycle of Dalotia coriaria takes approximately 20-30 days, and consists of several stages including egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Adult female Dalotia coriaria lay their eggs in the growing media or near potential food sources. Eggs hatch in 3-4 days. The larval stage is the primary feeding phase and typically lasts 14-21 days. Dalotia coriaria then pupates for about 7-10 days, and emerges as an adult with a lifespan of approximately 30 days.

It's important to note that these time-frames are approximate and can be influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and the availability of prey. Monitoring the development and activity of beneficial insect populations, along with environmental conditions, can help determine the progress and effectiveness of their role in pest control efforts.